The Academy Schedule

The Academy occurs in 3 phases with successful evaluations necessary to move on from each phase to the next. The Academy usually runs once a year. All participants must enter in the Immersion Phase (no testing out). Program size is limited to five. Below is the breakdown of what you can expect from the Academy:

Program Dates

The program begins late spring with the next cohort slated for Summer 2025 and will follow the rough schedule below:

Residency Phase: Quarterly evaluations continue as long as the participant shows progress and until they reach the Developer I level at which point they become a full employee with bonuses.

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Immersion Phase Topical Schedule

The two immersion phases are separated by an internship in which skills are applied.

Web Application Immersion


Frontend Development Immersion

The Typical Week During the Immersion Phase

Most weeks will look a lot like the following, but may change slightly from week to week:

Monday - theme kick-off




Friday - theme wrapup

Saturday - optional

Sunday - day of rest

Ready to get started?

Start your application!